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When you come back from vacation
@Programmer Humor
in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

(format t “Hello ~a” 'World). If I’m on vacation and come back to the land of C based languages I will have reverted to the only syntax I enjoy working in.
in reply to nthcdr

lda #0 ; Load accumulator with character code for NULL
sta $0400 ; Store it in the screen memory to clear the screen
ldx #0 ; Initialize X register to 0
loop lda message,x ; Load the next character from the message
beq done ; If the character is NULL (end of string), we are done
sta $0400,x ; Store the character in the screen memory
inx ; Increment X register
bne loop ; Branch back to the loop
done rts ; Return from subroutine
message .text "Hello World!",0 ; Null-terminated string
in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

void HelloWorld(void (* func)(const char*)) {
    func("Hello world!");