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Anders Rytter Hansen reshared this.

Are you aware, that the notes search function doesn't work on

Edit: it works for some words, but not all.

This entry was edited (1 day ago)

Anders Rytter Hansen reshared this.

in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

No I wasn't aware, thanks for letting me know. I will look into it

Anders Rytter Hansen reshared this.

#Fedora #COPR has general issues with building software currently, so 6.9.1 and 6.6.31 builds will be delayed until the issues have been resolved.

Bug report:

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in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen Anders Rytter Hansen reshared this.

Thank you for the report.

Sorry the fix took so long, I was hiking today and got to my computer just a moment ago.

For anyone affected, the issue is fixed now and explained in the ticket.

in reply to FrostyX :redhat:

no problem at all for me personally! Our updates aren't very critical 😄
Thanks for spending some of your Saturday on fixing this 🙂

Anders Rytter Hansen reshared this.

Has anyone tried the #Enlightenment DE for #Linux in the recent years?

How was the experience?


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in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

I loved the default theme, the splash screen, all of the customization options, and how lightweight it was, but it's missing some of the conveniences and polish of GNOME, KDE, or even LXQt and Xfce. Using an independent toolkit meant that none of my apps looked consistent, even after trying my best to find a theme that supported everything, and if I explored the settings beyond a surface level things started looking ancient and clunky.

Definitely underrated, and really impressive for how much they could pack into a desktop targeted at older PCs, but still missing quite a bit.

This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to f00f/eris

I think this description describes it very well. This is also how I remember it from back in the 2000's when I tried to use it.

It is indeed a lightweight DE.