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Weird idea continues connecting fediverse and email

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in reply to Oliver Lowe

Sounds awesome! Good work. Does it also send you an update of how many upvotes you get? (Random thought)

Good luck.

in reply to haui

Does it also send you an update of how many upvotes you get?

Well, I receive the corresponding ActivityPub "Like"s from the
servers. But right now I just drop the message. I suppose that could
turn into a mail message with a body like "user X liked your post" or
something, but that doesn't feel like a natural mapping to me.

I'm also one of those people that hides upvote & boost counts in
my Mastodon app ;)

in reply to Oliver Lowe

Hi is your stamina not what it used to be in the the bedroom? For only $69.99 all your problems can be solved with this As Bestus Men’s Enrichment Cream. Just clink the link here! —> Enlarge Me Now

Sorry… just trying to make you feel a little more at home, I know it must be disorienting coming from Email as that is a very long way away. I tried to learn a little bit about your customs and give you a customary greeting from your culture!

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to dumpsterlid

I guess the mods didn't find this very funny, since they nuked it. Disappointing, because I was able to read it through the magic of caching and it made me crack up laughing
in reply to Oliver Lowe

Excuse my ignorance but how will the fediverse defend itself against email spam?
in reply to maniacalmanicmania

Excuse my ignorance but how will the fediverse defend itself against email spam?

That's a good question. Right now there's very little stopping people from
spinning up some ActivityPub server and blasting out messages. I'm
actually surprised at how little ActivityPub spam there is currently.

One of the awesome things about the fediverse is how anti-commercial it
is right now. Maybe it's not a major target for spam because there's
not a lot of money in it.

in reply to AVincentInSpace

But if you can keep spamming our (heh) a new site for like 99c a domain name, you could do this a lot despite getting banned.

The alternative is something like FediSeer where you can get sites guaranteed by others and block anything not given the all-clear, but that really harms the ability for new sites to appear.

in reply to Quokka

The alternative is something like FediSeer where you can get sites
guaranteed by others and block anything not given the all-clear, but
that really harms the ability for new sites to appear.

If something like this were to gain lots of traction I'd hope it would
be something not too difficult to implement by smaller new sites.

What really sucks is the situation with email now: it's really tricky
to get stuff delivered if you're not Google/Microsoft. The barrier to
entry is way, way too high :(

in reply to Quokka

The alternative is something like FediSeer where you can get sites
guaranteed by others and block anything not given the all-clear, but
that really harms the ability for new sites to appear.

If something like this were to gain lots of traction I'd hope it would
be something not too difficult to implement by smaller new sites.

What really sucks is the situation with email now: it's really tricky
to get stuff delivered if you're not Google/Microsoft. The barrier to
entry is way, way too high :(

in reply to Oliver Lowe

I joined fediseer with this lemmy instance. I don't know what's going to happen with your self-built software, but getting a guarantee is easy, if your instance looks credible. I'm not aware of anyone that uses it as a filter at this point either.

Anyway, this is an awesome project. If you keep working on it and need a fediseer guarantor for the site, I'm happy to do that.

See their lemmy community:

in reply to Skelectus

Oh wow awesome. Thanks so much!

It needs a bit more fleshing out, removing a bit of hardcoding too.
And of course I want to publishit under an open source licence too.
Thanks for the tip - I've written it down in the growing TODO file! :)

in reply to Quokka

But if you can keep spamming our (heh) a new site for like 99c a domain name, you could do this a lot despite getting banned.

I mean you already could do that with something like ActivityPub proxy or just change your instance domain every time.
If that's such a risk, why aren't people doing it now?

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to maniacalmanicmania

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This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Oliver Lowe

Dude was so preoccupied about whether he could, that he never stopped to think whether he should.
in reply to SorteKanin

Oh I stopped and thought whether I should. The answer was "probably not" every time...
in reply to Oliver Lowe

Brilliant, who needs new fancy apps when you have email clients

Tell Google to give us back our RSS feeds too, they stole em

Then there's the irc client bridge to think about, posts could be channels and you reply in em

And ofc the extra spicy sms bridge where an AI gives you an executive summary of your memes for the day

in reply to Lung

RSS is not gone - you can read RSS by mail and it's quite awesome. Check RSS2Email or Nachrichtensortiermaschine
in reply to Oliver Lowe

it seems to hav wonky timestamp ? it appears to me to be sent -21s ago XP
in reply to Oliver Lowe

This is an excellent idea. It's gateways like this that will continue to offer options that are not available on other platforms.

Look forward to seeing how this evolves!

in reply to Oliver Lowe

This is interesting, but have you considered porting to Usenet? It's basically a shared inbox thats whole intent is threaded conversation. Sound familiar?
in reply to fmstrat

This is interesting, but have you considered porting to Usenet?

Yes that's on the list! Now that I have a whole bunch of RFC822 files,
(in Maildirs) I can also serve them over read-only NNTP. This was the
original goal actually - I like the idea of using the simpler protocol
NNTP over IMAP to read stuff.

in reply to Oliver Lowe

@Oliver Lowe It's social email all over.

Edit: btw, on friendica you can also add an email address in the permissions screen when composing a new post - so this can also be sent via mail. But this thing is a whole different level

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Oliver Lowe

But as we probably know, the fediverse is not Mastodon; it's really ActivityPub.

It's not though! Fediverse = federated universe, and encompasses all federate platforms. I learned this recently myself also.

in reply to Oliver Lowe

I hereby bestow upon ye the title of "Interoperability Warlock", for ye are tampering with forces beyond this mortal realm.
in reply to Oliver Lowe

Looks like a really fun project and honestly, this looks like the future of mailinglists (fuck mailinglists). Do keep working on it. I'd much rather have this put in front of LKML than the terrible interface they have right now.



in reply to onlinepersona

I'd much rather have this put in front of LKML than the terrible interface they have right now.

Interesting. Could you go into this a bit more? Do you mean for example being able to use the Lemmy web UI to read LKML?

in reply to Oliver Lowe

in reply to onlinepersona

Hey mate thanks for writing all that down. Gives me a few ideas - in
particular how NNTP could fit in to the equation.

LKML can be accessed by a usenet client at In
theory, then, it should be possible to at least read both LKML and
ActivityPub stuff hosted at the same NNTP server. To get that working
means making sure all the conversion and mapping of concepts are as
clean as possible. It's a good test!

Thanks again!

in reply to Oliver Lowe

The ghost of Lemmy Kilmister graces ur presence! 🎸🎤

Forward this to at least 3 of ur friends and you will have ur wish granted! 🤩

  • 3 friends - ur wish granted in 5 years🌟⭐
  • 5 friends - in 3 years
  • 10 friends - in 1 year
  • 20 friends - in 6 months
  • 30 friends - in 3 months
  • 50 friends - in 1 month
  • 100 friends - TOMORROW! 🌠🌠🌠

But be careful, if you don't pass on the good luck, Lemmy's ghost will HAUNT you in 3 days!!! 👻😱😱 Hurry!

[The only thing missing is random colours of text]

in reply to Oliver Lowe

Cool, now do it over Ping!
in reply to Oliver Lowe

You're weird. I like you.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Oliver Lowe

When you specify To: how does the bridge know if you meant or instead?
in reply to binomialchicken

Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !
in reply to binomialchicken

When you specify To: how does the bridge know if you meant or instead?

Good question

The process of going from that email-like address to an ActivityPub
Actor (https URL) is done by WebFinger. So whatever we get back from
that lookup is who we send the message to. For example, when we look
up we get this response (truncated for

  "rel": "self",
  "type": "application/activity+json",
  "href": "",
  "properties": {
    "": "Group"

The value for type, application/activity+json tells us that we can send ActivityPub stuff to it.

You can play around with WebFinger in the browser.

Hope that makes sense?

in reply to Oliver Lowe

So this comment I am writing is going to appear as an email in a chain? Neat!
in reply to 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️

So this comment I am writing is going to appear as an email in a chain? Neat!

Yep, that's what it looks like at my end!