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in reply to ickplant

'Cept the cat's foot actually is gonna be grabbed by a monster doing this.

(It's me. I'm the monster.)

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to ickplant

Just feel like stretching that one spot out, oooo… there it is…
in reply to ickplant

I literally just stuck my foot out from the covers as I was clicking this link. And it didn't even sink in that I had done that until I clicked "next." When I realized, I had to come back and post this - you're welcome.
in reply to ickplant

It’s important to always acknowledge an extended paw by lightly grasping it between your thumb and pointer. A gentle shake is also acceptable , if said paw belongs to a little gentleman.
in reply to Donebrach

Don't forget to outstretch your pinky for the gentle shake.
in reply to ickplant

i wonder if they are also afraid that something will grab their leg.

cats reshared this.

in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

How about biting and scratching everything that’s sticking out? Like they do it too us hoomans πŸ˜‚
in reply to ickplant

I love having a blanket and hate to give it up in summer and im like this a lot.