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President Biden is now posting into the fediverse

in reply to fediverse_report

in reply to fediverse_report

That's @potus, for those on platforms that can view microblogs and that are not defederated from Threads.

Remember that comments are not federated to/from threads yet. If I understood correctly, likes are federated.

in reply to fediverse_report

On behalf of the dozens of us here…. Welcome Joe!
in reply to RestrictedAccount

Ah it's Threads...

Good that it's fedi, bad that it's threads. They definitely have the resources to run a government Mastodon instance, but no let's stay beholden to the tech companies 😑

And none of them appear to have joined Bluesky yet, a competing decentralized social network running on its own AT protocol that recently opened general signups.


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in reply to Otter

I’d rather have them on Bluesky/AT than Threads, to be perfectly honest…
in reply to tanja

Eh, from what I could gather from both specs ATProto does address some shortcomings of ActivityPub, so the idea has some technical merit. While a lot of the current Fediverse seems to have settled on AP, it’s not like it’s the be-all and end-all of federated protocols either.

Maybe you’re just talking about the company behind it?

in reply to folkrav

AT does have some advantages, but I strongly prefer the whole philosophy behind AP.

And yes, bsky doesn't really inspire me with confidence.

in reply to Otter

Whats wrong with bluesky? I hear this general sentiment about it but have never even looked at it.
in reply to EdibleFriend

I believe, people are mostly annoyed that Bluesky started yet another (half-baked) standard, rather than throwing their weight behind ActivityPub.

This would be fine, if they were decidedly a for-profit company, but their whole branding is that they want to benefit humanity.

It's also weird that the former CEO of Twitter is involved.
The guy could have pushed Twitter into that direction, but apparently, he needed a separate project to have this change of heart.

Like, I don't know, they've got some things that look alright:
- They've open-sourced some things.
- It's legally a Public Benefit Company.
- They've got the creator of XMPP on board, so that at least makes it credible that they genuinely want to come up with a better protocol.
- Their CEO is a techie.

But yeah, I'm still worried, it ends up being a bait-and-switch. Make it all look good for now and once enough users have signed up, slowly transition to just becoming yet another Twitter.

in reply to Ephera

aaah ok yeah that makes sense.

Also, I love that I was downvoted for even asking why I should hate another website instead of blindly hating it. Never change reddit 1.3

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in reply to EdibleFriend

It's run by Jack. The same Jack, founder of Twitter that was at the helm while Twitter went to shit before Musk got it. I know Musk era has been really bad, but it was getting really bad under Jack. I wouldn't trust a social network run by him or Musk or Zuck.
in reply to RestrictedAccount

Joe can’t see your welcome message. Threads can’t see content posted outside of Threads. It can only spam masto Instances, and if you want to comment, you need to download Threads.
in reply to Ghostalmedia

sigh So Threads can throw their posts out into the fediverse, but no one from fediverse is allowed to post comments back? Why am I not surprised? 🙄
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Ghostalmedia

For an account like this, who cares? It’s a one way flow of PSA type announcements anyway, not like Biden or his team would engage.

If I want to start a discussion about one of those posts, I’d do it on lemmy somewhere I suppose.

in reply to Ghostalmedia

You can comment just fine. Threads users just can't see it yet.
in reply to RestrictedAccount

If you think that he personally goes anywhere near this I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya...

All of his social media accounts are handled by his PR team. He probably doesn't even know what's on them.

in reply to fediverse_report

POTUS puts the ‘fed’ in ‘fediverse.’

Thanks I hate it.

Also too bad that the White House has joined Meta, specifically, rather than the decentralized Fediverse, but libs gonna lib.

in reply to SuddenDownpour

Would have been cool for them to host their own instance with just the one account
in reply to ReallyKinda

But open source software is communism! Much more on brand for the White House to go with Meta
in reply to ReallyKinda

Would make sense too, they don't use default Gmail either. Some other governments have Mastodon instances
in reply to ReallyKinda

Nah, give those National Parks posters a Mastodon account. Way more desirable than POTUS. Also put all those other random gov Twitter accounts on it so they can link somewhere that anyone can read.
in reply to SuddenDownpour

Funnily enough the instance my masto is on also uses that motto, tho for an entirely different reason
in reply to SuddenDownpour

Its a vague undulation in a direction I think most folks here would probably prefer?

That's kinda all you can realistically hope for a lot of the time

in reply to fediverse_report

Mastodon instances need to defederate.

If you want to comment on any POTUS posts with the broader user base, you have to download Threads. Fuck that noise.

don't like this

in reply to Ghostalmedia

There's also a limited federation mode that server admins can use. Users and posts are still searchable, but they do not show on the public federated feed.
Useful for this exact case where a server may have beneficial accounts, but the rest should be hidden for moderation reasons.

Still would prefer it being on a proper mastodon server, but I can live with this. Whatever server ends up hosting a President's account now has to deal with record preservation laws for their posts. Let's leave that bureaucratic stuff to threads.

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in reply to shininghero

how about having the American government just host their own fediverse servers? it's not like they don't have the money to do so
in reply to Jumuta

And some usenet servers too while they are at it.
in reply to Ghostalmedia

Don't you love how the government is supporting private for-profit businesses? I received an amber alert 2 days ago and when I clicked the link it took me to Twitter. I don't have a Twitter account and the page wouldn't load. What in the actual fuck? Our government is using a website run by an insane man-child for critical infrastructure.
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in reply to AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet

That’s just the link the local cops pasted into the alert form. They can put in a link to if they wanted to.
in reply to Ghostalmedia

My point is that they should have a dedicated public service website that they use for these sorts of things.
in reply to AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet

Your state or county is probably using what was identified as an easy and accessible solution several years ago. It was probably selected because it was something any yahoo could easily access and post to.

Now that there are a lot of cheap and easy FOSS alternatives, it probably wouldn’t be too hard to petition for a ballot initiative that required these alerts to be published on a state masto instance or something.

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in reply to Flax_vert

I had a conversation with a friend from the US (I'm not, he's from Like the New England area idk where exactly), he's very conservatist, like the typical "I own a ~~guy~~ gun and I like it" type of person (lucky that he doesn't base his entire personality on it), and even he said that both options sucked ass and very much envied that most of the European countries have a sensible system of voting that has more than two parties, since when one sucks go to the another, and the possibility of all candidates being absolutely trash is basically zero when you got like 7+ parties, compared to the two in the US

If y'all had a functioning government and something that resembles capitalism (a few leading members while everyone else gets fucked around, sounds similar? cough Meta, Google, Microsoft cough and others) and had some competition it would go all way different than it's currently going

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in reply to Ghostalmedia

That would be like Gmail blocking Yahoo, it defeats the purpose of a Fediverse especially when users can already block content from domains they dislike.
in reply to electricprism

First of all, no it doesn't. The fediverse is about servers communicating with each other, that doesn't mean all servers, it just means that multiple servers communicate, and if a server is being problematic it will be blocked or limited, as another example a good amount of servers limit or block and due to spam issues. Threads in this regard is no different, it just so happens to be a much bigger problem than hence why there is much stronger efforts to defederate it.

especially when users can already block content from domains they dislike.

No, you are deliberately or unintentionally misrepresenting how domain blocks and indeed blocking in general works in Lemmy (Domain blocks target communities and do not hide users or their content), and even with Mastodon this doesn't solve the biggest problems with threads, that being the extremely poor moderation and the EEE threat which are server wide problems and not user preference issues.

in reply to Ghostalmedia

I mean, it's not like he's reading the Threads users' comments either.
in reply to redcalcium

Even if he was, why would this excite you? Whenever something goes mainstream, enshitification begins.
in reply to Orbituary

The obscurity of the Fediverse is not its defense from enshittification. The fact that it's so easy to move from server to server is.

If enshittifies, you can just move to without a big loss.

I think that lemmy could use more people.

in reply to lemming934

Exactly! How do people not understand this yet? The decline of platforms isn't magic, it's very predictable and lemmy's core design is specifically meant to counter it. Think, people!
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in reply to Feathercrown

^/s^ no actually badness is directly proportional to the amount of users that's why the internet went to shit the moment more than 2 people connected
in reply to Orbituary

I thought the white house actually runs their own mastodon instance when I read the headline. That would mark the point where mastodon reached mainstream use which is an incredible milestone.
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in reply to redcalcium

If so, I misunderstood this and thought it was for Threads and I stand corrected.
in reply to redcalcium

Don't really care much for what Biden has to say at this point, but I'd prefer if various government orgs would all host their own instances. I don't want to go to a privately owned company to know about road construction or ballot box locations.
in reply to Orbituary

Enshittification comes from the profit motive, not from how popular something is.
in reply to fediverse_report

I'm just waiting for the president of my country to start federating, then I can follow him from Mastodon and delete my Threads account.

I see it as a positive thing

in reply to JJROKCZ

Implies that they weren't watching before this.
in reply to JJROKCZ

This account is now under the control of the Federal Cyber Crime Unit (FCCU) in accordance with a seizure warrant obtained by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of California issued pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §§ 981 and 982.. Every user in this DM has been formally logged and will receive personal notice(s) in their mailbox. You are all to be investigated and it is of no use to block the receptian/contact. Please have patience as we will inform you of any further actions along with your case number. You are not to release this information online or further measures will be taken with harsher consequences.
in reply to fediverse_report

Dark Brandon would host his own instance, and make it all about chocolate ice cream.
in reply to bradorsomething

Just a totally straight blog about ice cream and cool cars, with no mention of politics.
in reply to fediverse_report

Nah. It’s threads. I’m pretty sure most fediverse instances blocked before they even tried to federate. I know mine did.
in reply to stebo

Neither did or, though honestly I'd recommend people steer clear of those instances when signing up for a different reason, they're also very widely blocked or limited by a lot of servers due to issues with spam and moderation. Ironic that these instances are already too big to effectively moderate, yet threads is bigger and also way worse (see link in other comment about their moderation issues) and yet people still want to federate with them.
in reply to Draconic NEO

Well for one thing it's nice to be able to follow someone's threads account without having to install that crap on your phone.
in reply to stebo

I don't really see the point since the federation is one-way (at least last time I heard), so you can't reply to anything as it never gets sent back to threads. You'd be better off just following it as an RSS feed if you really want it (There are unofficial tools to do that for threads and it might be officially available in the future).
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in reply to ThatKomputerKat

Mine also blocks it due to issues regarding poor moderation and hate speech.
in reply to fediverse_report

Feels a bit weird pinging the president in Lemmy comments, but come at me, Secret Service.

in reply to Chozo

threads doesn't accept federated posts, it only pushes them.
in reply to Sybil

Fuck that noise. What on earth were we expecting from an advertising agency?
in reply to Chozo is his real handle
in reply to fediverse_report

Seeing what hits top from lately, I believe it.