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in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

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awesome_person doesn't like this.

in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

Well you can't call the code generated by chat gpt as YOURS.
This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

I know why it works. Because it was copied from stack overflow..

gwilikers doesn't like this.

in reply to fckreddit

Haha yeah so some other random dude made it work 😄
in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

I solved one of these once upon a time.

There was a function that wasn't called from anywhere in the project which if deleted caused the whole system to fail in test and (presumably) production at runtime. It turned out to be scripts for a cron job that were only on the servers. I moved them in to the project and thus version control. Mystery solved.

in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

The answer is usually that I've pushed to the dev environment but I'm looking at staging.
in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

Going back to the most famous code comment in Unix history You are not expected to understand this.
This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

@moto x3m omg, that....