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in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

Hi there! The links in your response are not clickable for Lemmy users, here are the clickable versions: !
in reply to CommunityLinkFixerBot

It's not meant to be clickable. It's just meant to tag the community.

I can't do it differently than this in Friendica. The problem if I use ! is that the post will become private, which I don't want.

in reply to zbecker

It's because I put a title which Mastodon doesn't support so for some reason the content of the post is in this case replaced with a link.

If I put the title in the content of the post without a title, you will see the tag.

in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

Woops, I misread what you said, that makes sense.
This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

It actually is clickable and works properly for me, using voyager + Firefox + android funnily enough
in reply to astropenguin5

What is voyager?

And yes it is clickable but the problem is, it sends people to which is where the community is hosted. That might be a problem for people who aren't registered on this instance.

in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

Just to confirm, it's the @programminghumor link right? When I tap it it sends me to the community in the app, not opening a website. I'll check how it behaves on my laptop too in the normal website

And Voyager is what was formerly, the url is the same still I think but the name has changed. It's a PWA for mobile

in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

Yeah i really like it. i just tried it on my laptop in normal browser, and it does behave poorly. even in voyager/wefwef on my laptop it is weird using this link but on my phone it acts like this

Edit: maybe it's because on my phone I'm signed in to and it auto-fixes the link?

This entry was edited (10 months ago)