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Calckey is a Fediverse server type which includes lots of features that Mastodon doesn't yet have, such as emoji reactions, markdown, customisable interfaces, widgets and lots more.

To see for yourself, have a look on the official website at:


For the latest updates, follow the official account at:

➡️ @calckey

If you want to try signing up, there's a stable server at:


#Fediverse #Calckey #ActivityPub

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to bgt lover

It's not a fork of Mastodon, but Calckey and Mastodon accounts can follow each other and interact with each other.
in reply to FediTips has moved!

Is there a migration path for a (personal) mastodon instance to Calckey?
in reply to FediTips has moved!

Good start… Can’t even get the server to load!
in reply to FediTips has moved!

I'm getting a blank screen when I go to I tried Firefox and Chrome.
in reply to Jim Carr

Give it a bit of time, I think it is being quite slow at the moment! :/

There are other servers too, you can find a listing of them on the website at

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to FediTips has moved!

I figured. I was just looking to confirm it was a "them", and not "me". Thanks! :)
in reply to FediTips has moved!

Seems buggy. The “Submit” button never enabled on the account creation form, but I eventually got a pop up saying an email had been sent to confirm my address.

I did get the email and followed the link to confirm my email but got a few error popups and now it justs just stuck saying “Processing”.

in reply to FediTips has moved!

I did sign up for calckey but I was unable to figure out how to get the Advanced Web Interface that I'm now accustomed to in the regular Mastodon browser model. (I use my laptop, so I have a big screen.)

I did see that I could add columns but the four columns I have with AWP — entry/search, Home, Notifications, and the wild column — I could not replicate.

I might try it again at some point, but right now AWI works well for me.

#calckey #AWI #mastoddon

in reply to FediTips has moved!

I wish that they put half the care into #accessibility as they put into their #WebDesign

#Care #equality and a #WelcomingEnvironment are what users want. If you depend on #LargeText and a #ScreenReader then #calckey’s #website offers #none of that. What a #FirstImpression 🙄

As far as I can tell, we are #NotWelcome 🫤

Thanks though

in reply to Zee

I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully they can fix it? :/
in reply to FediTips has moved!

has anyone made a good feature comparison of all the mastodon-like fedi platforms?
in reply to lettuce :godot:

If you scroll to the bottom of the calckey website there is a basic feature comparison grid.
in reply to :blobcat_comfy:

but that one is very opinionated...
Pleroma has chatting
Pleroma/Akkoma have migrations, a Search, Threads
And Akkoma has Quote Posts...
idk why there 2 types of full circles...
in reply to :blobcatverified2:

yeah it's really weirdly formatted
what does the double circles mean? what does the dotted circle mean? there really isn't any explanation
in reply to :blobcat_comfy:

the dotted means it isnt fully implemented.
I dont agree on Pleroma/Akkoma on certain dotted circles
in reply to :blobcat_comfy:

I guess the double circles mean the best implementation? Since Calckey threads look the cleanest, but that's more of an opinion than an actual thing.
in reply to :blobcat_comfy:

might be, i prefer pleromas threading, except the only critic would be that one thread always loads all posts... and tbh, i dont like how misskey threads do look like
in reply to :blobcatverified2:

it's NVIDIA type of comparison charts. No explanations given, kinda truth but overall misleading.
in reply to 27329ed9-2211-a1ba-9371-e2641bf0dcb6

I've given reasoning in other threads why I won't give Akko full points for quotes (tl;dr they refuse to attach both quoteUri and quoteUrl), and chats only work with other Pleroma instances, compared to Calckey chats which work cross-fediverse.
in reply to Kainoa

quotes seem to be interoperable enough. There is no strict standard on quotes anyway.

Pleroma Chat does federate, it's just nobody except Pleroma implements it. I don't know what Calckey does with chats so they work with other software but if it's just a private Note, then it's supported in other software too. But it's also a misuse of a Note to present it as a chat.

What are the threads? There are threads, what's wrong with them? What is even user backfilling? Search always worked in Pleroma, how it is even dotted? Akkoma supports even more backends for search.

in reply to 27329ed9-2211-a1ba-9371-e2641bf0dcb6

I've always found search to be really buggy on Pleroma/Akko, but I wasn't aware Akko supported more backends. When starting a chat in Calckey, it detects if the receiver can accept _misskey_chat, if so, it makes an actual chat session, but if not, it falls back to private posts, making the UX fairly seemless. Afaik, Pleroma/Akko does not have deep threads (see screenshot for example). User backfilling is fetching info like the followers and follows of users upon discovery.
in reply to Kainoa

>I’ve always found search to be really buggy on Pleroma/Akko

Works for me on all instances from mine to largest like I don't know how to explain it, maybe it's just subjective.

>I wasn’t aware Akko supported more backends

Oh it does. There is Elasticsearch and Meilisearch support but I haven't tried them myself. I'm fine with GIN indices in PostgreSQL.


Does it fetch recursively? Pleroma AFAIK should do this. But I see more replies in Akkoma, not on Pleroma so it probably not that recursive. How about renaming it to deep or recursive threads then? Because the threads are supported everywhere, it's just doesn't try to fetch everything.

>User backfilling is fetching info like the followers and follows of users upon discovery

It doesn't show anyone except local users on my side, maybe it's optional. (wouldn't really want to fetch all Gargron's followers to be honest, it is a bloat)

in reply to 27329ed9-2211-a1ba-9371-e2641bf0dcb6

>When starting a chat in Calckey, it detects if the receiver can accept _misskey_chat, if so, it makes an actual chat session, but if not, it falls back to private posts, making the UX fairly seemless

Why not support Pleroma Chats then? xD At least it would explain double circle.

in reply to 27329ed9-2211-a1ba-9371-e2641bf0dcb6

we have a lot of things on our plate atm but it'll definitely be a consideration
in reply to Kainoa

dont worry, since we just noticed it was our topic but it isnt that urgent tho...
btw i just remembered that the only software which you can make multiple emoji reactions to one post is akkoma :blobcatfingerguns:
in reply to FediTips has moved!

their website runs like crap on mobile, laggy as hell 🥴 maybe the app side runs better, but the homepage is not a good start
in reply to FediTips has moved!

I appreciate the time and effort you put into keeping us up to date on this stuff. You make it easy to check things out and understand what they are meant to do. Thank you!!!!
in reply to FediTips has moved!

למשתמשי הפדיעברי, יש לנו שרת #קלקי עברי גם כן!
in reply to FediTips has moved!

To get a taste of the difference, here is that announcement and responses (some animated) on calckey