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@fediverse, Is it now possible to post on Lemmy from Mastodon?

weeezes doesn't like this.

in reply to Yeet

I guess it is...

Looking from Lemmy, it looks like there needs to be a better way of formatting titles.

hashtags for the fediverse void: #fediverse
in reply to namehere

I'm really half-doxing myself here by mixing up both my pseudo-anonymous accounts
in reply to Yeet

@Yeet well it seems to have worked as the Fediverae group boosted this onto my timeline!

I thought untitled posts would be discarded. Maybe I was wrong?
in reply to F00FC7C8 likes to infodump

That was the change in the last Lemmy release. A workaround for the fact that Mastodon doesn't do post titles. I think they just use the first line as the subject now? Not sure, as I don't use Mastodon
in reply to Yeet

I can do it from Friendica, so should be possible for Mastodon as well.

Fediverse reshared this.

in reply to Anders Rytter Hansen

Friendica has always been able to do it. Mastodon has only been able to do it as of the last Lemmy release. It's due to the fact that Mastodon doesn't do subject lines, but Friendica does

Fediverse reshared this.

in reply to Yeet

Yep! As long as the Lemmy instance you're posting to has upgraded to the latest release
in reply to Yeet

I read you. And it seems to be possible to post from Hubzilla, too :)